Topic outline
A survey of medical students from the University of Melbourne in 2001 found there was only one hour of Aboriginal health curriculum in the whole medical program across six years (Rasmussen, 2001).
The survey also found most students did not previously learn Aboriginal studies in primary and high school. So why should we be surprised that a majority of first-year medical students understand very little about the history of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples?
Despite Aboriginal studies being included in the national K-12 curriculum since 2014, we still do not see any coordinated strategic investments at Federal, State or local levels in teacher confidence or teaching and learning resource accountability measures, aside from the individual whim of a principal or teacher.
Further, what is taught is often about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures rather than the truth of genocide and the impacts on outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples today, thus rendering the studies romanticised and reductive.
Studies have shown that before learners can learn about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and programs, the curriculum, pedagogy, and teacher must first help them unlearn in a transformative manner what they didn’t know they had learned. In other words, to unlearn their potential for white privilege, unconscious bias, discrimination and racism.
Transformative learning is learning that transforms problematic frames of reference—sets of fixed assumptions and expectations (habits of mind, meaning perspectives, mindsets)—to make them more inclusive, discriminating, open, reflective, and emotionally able to change.
Sophisticated pedagogy requires organisations to take a strategic, stepped and continual approach to cultural safety. It is about individuals learning throughout their careers and lives. It is also about knowing that transformational unlearning is required before learners become receptive and respectful of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and programs.
The following topics will be covered in this online learning resource.
Learning about others
Learning about myself
Learning about impacts
Topic 1: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and histories
Topic 7: Awareness alone is not enough
Topic 15: Holistic health concepts, including social and emotional wellbeing
Topic 2: Colonisation
Topic 8: Communication
Topic 16: The historical and contemporary impacts of policy
Topic 3: Traditional Owners
Topic 9: Equity and Equality
Topic 17: Intergenerational trauma and trauma-informed care
Topic 4: Acknowledgements, Welcomes and culturally informed introductions
Topic 10: Power Differentials
Topic 18: Power and privilege and the impacts on health
Topic 5: Current and previous populations
Topic 11: Rights-based approach to care
Topic 19: Racism and it's impacts
Topic 6: Terminology and definitions Topic 12: Cultural safety: benefits of a culturally safe workplace
Topic 20: Aboriginal health workforce, roles and assistance Topic 13: Allyship and courageous conversations
Topic 14: Reflection on my role and impact