Advanced Airways Skills

The Advanced Airways Skills course is a mandatory component of the training program.
External courses provide essential skills for your daily airway management, teaching from both a theoretical and hands on approach.

Advanced Life Support/Advanced Paediatric Life Support

This externally provided, accredited CICM course has been developed to standardise the teaching of cardiac arrest and resuscitation management. The ALS course consists of lectures, practical workshops and cardiac arrest scenarios, providing the opportunity to practice skills and apply knowledge. The course will emphasise the importance of teamwork prior to safe transfer into a critical care environment.


The Communications Course two-day workshop is suitable for the purposes of training and assessment for the College of Intensive Care Medicine of Australia and New Zealand. The following online reading component is intended as a basic introduction prior to attending the Communications Course workshop and does not replace wider reading and experiential learning.

The online course will:

  • general concepts to improve the way we communicate with families of critically ill patients, including interacting with culturally diverse groups and using interpreters
  • key communication micro-skills, such as using silence, open-ended questions and signposting
  • frameworks for conducting the most frequent types of family meetings including breaking bad news, shared decision making and open disclosure
  • frameworks for some of the difficult conversations we have with colleagues including giving feedback, negotiating treatment plans and speaking up when things are not right

All trainees who registered after January 1st, 2014 are required to complete this course.

Donor Awareness

Donate Life are the key external provider for this course in Australia, and Organ Donation New Zealand are the providers in NZ. This course provides professional training, information and resources for

healthcare workers involved in donation and transplantation.

Focused Cardiac Ultrasound in Intensive Care (Course)

The Focused Cardiac Ultrasound course in intensive care medicine is offered by external Institutions, accredited by CICM. The aim of the course is to provide clinicians with all of the necessary skills to become proficient in the performance of, and diagnosing focused echo exam.

Introductory Intensive Care Medicine Course

The Beyond Basic Course is designed to provide critical care clinicians with the essential skills to mechanically ventilated critically ill patients. This course is provided externally.

Management Skills course in Intensive Care

Increase your knowledge and develop skills in various non-clinical aspects of consultants practice with the guidance and knowledge of our leading experts. Management Skills is designed for Advanced Trainees (pre 2014 curriculum) and Trainees undertaking their transition year (current curriculum).