We’re calling out for CICM Trainees who are doing a rural term at any point during 2024 to join the program as a mentee in February: 

  • You will receive the bio of up to three suitable mentors, from which you pick one mentor
  • Prior to meeting with your mentor, you will be required to complete an online training course.
  • The course will take between 1.5 and 2 hours to complete and can be completed in smaller parts.
  • Once you join the Program, you will be matched with one mentor for the 12-month pilot – regardless of what time during the year you plan to go rural.
  • As a guide, most mentor/mentee pairs would then meet for around one hour per month, with around one hour of preparation and follow up.
  • When you enter a mentor/mentee partnership, you and your mentee will be required to create and commit to an agreement setting out ground rules for your partnership.
  • There are resources on this hub to help you and your mentor prepare and follow up for your mentoring sessions.
  • If there is a specific skill set that lies beyond your mentor’s domain of experience, you can discuss having a couple of sessions outside your normal partnership. Once you have spoken with your mentor and defined your requirements, you can reach out to the Mentoring Program Administrator.

Last modified: Wednesday, 13 March 2024, 2:30 PM