Topic 17: Intergenerational trauma and trauma-informed care

Connection with curriculum

This topic relates to the concept: Racism 

Analyse the impact of historical events on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and health service access in Intensive Care Medicine and the implications of these events on building trust and relationships with individuals, families and communities in Intensive Care Medicine. 


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples' lives have been influenced by historical and contemporary factors and experiences of individual and cultural loss associated with colonisation and consequent government policy and practice.   

This topic asks you to identify the impacts of trauma and connect this to the importance of developing a trauma-informed approach to your intensive care practice.  

There is clear evidence of the intergenerational effects of racism and colonisation. Trauma experienced in previous generations impacts the health outcomes of the younger generations today. It is not only inter-generational trauma that affects health outcomes. One-third of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples report racism in the health and medical care settings some or all the time. 

Healing after Trauma

Intergenerational trauma has resulted in family violence, children in out-of-home care, substance abuse, criminal behaviour and suicide (Healing Foundation, 2023b). Healing is key in tackling these issues that impact Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities (Healing Foundation, 2023b). Organisations such as the Healing Foundation partner with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to facilitate healing from intergenerational trauma and promote trauma-aware, healing-informed practice within government, policies and workforces. “For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, healing is a holistic process, which addresses mental, physical, emotional and spiritual needs and involves connections to culture, family and land. Healing works best when solutions are culturally strong, developed and driven at the local level, and led by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people” (The Healing Foundation, 2023a, para. 1). A variety of projects to support healing is occurring across Australia.

Activities to facilitate learning

The following activities will enhance your learning on this topic.


  1. Watch the short video that explains intergenerational trauma

  2. View the short video on trauma informed care

Additional recommended resources

  1. Read the case studies about ‘Marla’ and ‘Brandon’ in Working Together to contextualise intergenerational trauma (pages 375-379).

  2. Read about the Theory of Change for healing

  3. Read more about Intergenerational trauma

  4. Look over the information from Queensland regarding the child protection system

  5. Review information regarding the impact of child protection on school achievements in QLD

  6. Read the resource on addressing Individual and Community Transgenerational Trauma 

Reflect on your learning

Select the image to answer the reflection question for this topic.

Last modified: Wednesday, 27 September 2023, 5:02 PM