Topic 5: Current and previous populations

Connection with curriculum

This topic relates to the concept: cultural competence  

Analyse the impact of historical events on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and health service access in Intensive Care Medicine and the implications of these events on building trust and relationships with individuals, families and communities in Intensive Care Medicine. 


In the previous topic, we learned about the importance of place. The differences in geography, food, environment and historical events can account for variances in cultural values, practices and languages between many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nations within Australia.   

In this topic, you will research the local histories and events that have impacted Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples in the place(s) you work. Through this, there is an unpacking of how ICU practice might vary based on the place of practice. 

Activity to facilitate learning

The following activity will enhance your learning on this topic.


  1. Research the history of local Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities in your area. Are there any ‘little known’ events that impacted populations of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander communities in this local area? Reflect upon the resilience of the community in the area in which you work.

Additional recommended resources

  1.  Watch the video: If Australia was 100 people 
  2. Find out about Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations from the Australian Bureau of Statistics

Reflect on your learning

Select the image to answer the reflection question for this topic.

Last modified: Wednesday, 27 September 2023, 4:36 PM