Topic 4: Acknowledgements, Welcomes and culturally informed introductions

Connection with curriculum

This topic relates to the concept: cultural competence  

Analyse the impact of historical events on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and health service access in Intensive Care Medicine and the implications of these events on building trust and relationships with individuals, families and communities in Intensive Care Medicine. 


Country is a central idea tied to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ concepts about identity and connections.  In Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, there is a collective sense of self. This includes not only people but animals and land. 

For example, I am the sea eagle, I am the goanna, and as such will look after their habitat and environment as they have looked after my family and me throughout generations.   

How Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples acknowledge Country and introduce themselves is both a sign of respect and a way to identify and bring meaning to others about who they are. Asking “who’s your mob?” or “where are you from?” is an ancient practice to help locate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in relation to the land and each other. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures are relational, and even what may look like a simple act of introduction carries a much deeper role and importance and sense of belonging and connection, concepts central to good health and well-being for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.  

In this topic, you will learn about the importance of Welcome and Acknowledgement of Country and explore your identity in relation to the places where you work and live. 

Activities to facilitate learning

The following activities will enhance your learning on this topic.


  1. Review the difference between a Welcome and Acknowledgement of Country as described by Reconciliation Australia. 

Additional recommended resources

  1. Explore the AIATSIS Welcome to Country website
  2. Listen to The GP Show #89 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Knowledges for the Modern World with Professor Gregory Phillips

Reflect on your learning

Select the image to answer the reflection question for this topic.

Last modified: Tuesday, 22 August 2023, 2:53 PM